A big advantage of the liquid part derived from pig manure is that it can be easily processed in a biological air scrubber. In this machine the liquid part is evaporated and the minerals that are not evaporated stay behind. Thereby a mineral concentrate is created that can be used as a fertiliser. The solid part can be easily processed; this is even possible at a company level. This way, a pig farmer can clean his manure with the use of a hygienisation container. By processing the manure locally the farmer can export his manure himself; therefore there is no need for an intermediary.
For the NA-processing of the solid part we also supply hygienisation containers. These closed containers air the solid part though the bottom to lessen smouldering. Through this process the manure is heated to 60 degrees Celcius, killing all the bacteria and creating sterile manure which may be exported.
Liquid part from a jack screw press is a very interesting product for NA-processing because the small particles it contains are not crushed, contrary to a decanter or centrifuge. Hereby it is possible to crack the manure through a bacteriological process and produce a mineral concentrate. The solid part is easy to spread. There are no clogging issues.
Solid part can also be used against sand-drift. The solid part can be mixed with water inside the manure container in this case. This way, the solid part can be spread with a slurry tank and deflector plate, sand-drift is hereby prevented.